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This website is the official e-government website of Korea.


  • 2017

    Events to commemorate 30th anniversary of KTC Seoul International Forum on trade remedies, Publishing 30 year’s history book

  • 2001

    Establishment of the Trade Remedy Act Act on the investigation of unfair international trade practices and remedy against injury to industry enacted The first Seoul Intrernational Forum on Trade Remedies held


  • 1996

    KTC took over new functions from the Korea Customs Service : to investigate AD and CVD cases and to determine dumping margins

  • 1993

    Far-reaching rearrangement of anti-dumping system Acceptance and evaluation of applications for anti-dumping investigations transferred from Ministry of Finance to Korea Trade Commission

  • 1990

    Office of Investigation established KTC transformed into a administrative body with 9 commissioners and 50 staff members; KTC significantly expanded in size and function

  • 1989

    Conversion to a consultative administration organization Began to autonomously determine whether to initiate investigations and whether domestic industries have suffered damage

  • 1987

    Founding of Korea Trade Commission KTC was established as an advisory committee with 5 commissioners and 8 staff members